“The grant provided to the Muskoka Stewardship Program will help promote and protect the natural beauty of property in Muskoka,” said MPP Miller. “This voluntary approach allows landowners the freedom to choose how to care for their lands, with the option of asking for planning advice. Overall, this program will increase the natural value of property and will offer another unique characteristic to the landscape of Muskoka.”
{Group Shot with Master Steward volunteers from L-R: MPP Norm Miller, Matt Dodds, Paula Jackson, Jim Griffin, Rebecca Francis, Ariel Zwicker, Teri Souter, Dan Brooks}
The Stewardship Program is unique in that it encourages neighbours to help neighbours and empowers local volunteers to engage in their community. “The Muskoka Stewardship program exists to encourage private land stewardship. We want to help you to get to know your land better!” said Rebecca Francis, Stewardship Program Coordinator.
The Ontario Trillium Foundation is an agency of the Government of Ontario. The Foundation allocates grants to eligible charitable and not-for-profit organizations in the arts and culture, environment, human and social services and sports and recreation sectors.