I wrote last year about the benefits of eating locally. There are usually less pesticides, less packaging, and less distance to travel to deliver (= less burned fossil fuels). David Suzuki recently published an article called: Small farms may be better for food security and biodiversity. In it he concludes that "we need to grow food in ways that make feeding people a bigger priority than generating profits for large agribusiness." Below are some folks you can support in order to get involved in our local food scene right here in Muskoka.
Our favourite producers continue to produce healthy, fresh, delicious, and nutricious food that we can get nearby:
Brooklands Farm (fruit & veggies)
Lavender Hills Farm (honey products, candles, & cosmetics)
Ivanita Farm and Meats
Muskoka Brewery
Lake of Bays Brewing Co.
Any many, many more. Too many to list here...but Savour Muskoka has a very comprehensive list.

Bracebridge Farmers Market
When? Saturdays, 8:30 am – 1 pm, Victoria Day Weekend to Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend
Where? Memorial Park, Manitoba Street, Bracebridge (beside Norwood Theatre)
More Info: http://www.thebracebridgefarmersmarket.com/
Rosseau Farmers Market
When? Fridays, 9 am – 2 pm, July 1 – Sept 2
Where? Waterfront on Lake Rosseau at the end of Short Street
More Info: http://www.rosseaumarket.com/
Huntsville Farmers Market
When? Thursdays, 9 am – 2 pm, Victoria Day Weekend to Halloween
Where? Canadian Tire Parking Lot, 77 King William St
More Info: http://buyfromthefarm.ca/farmers-market/huntsville-farmers-market
Rivermill Park Farmers Market (Huntsville)
When? Saturday's 9am-1pm starting July 2nd
Where? Rivermill Park
More Info: http://www.rivermillmarket.com/#SlideFrame_2
Port Carling Farmers Market (new this year!)
When? Thursdays, 9 am – 2 pm, June 30 to September 1, 2011
Where? Hanna Park, Port Carling
More Info: http://www.portcarlingfarmersmarket.com/
Gravenhurst Farmers Market
When? Every Wednesday 9am - 2pm, 18th May 2011 - 5th October 2011
Where? In the special events field at Muskoka Wharf (across the road from Boston Pizza)
More Info: http://www.gravenhurstfarmersmarket.com/

When? Saturdays, 8 am – 1 pm, last Saturday in June – Labour Day Weekend
Where? Carling Recreation Hall, Carling, Ontario